The following fees may be assessed against your account.
Fees apply to Personal and Business accounts unless stated otherwise.
Account Early Closing within 60 Days
Checking & Savings Accts…$25.00
Account / Statement Reconciliation
1 hour minimum…$15.00 / hour
Account Research
1 hour minimum…$25.00 / hour
ATM / Debit Cards
Replacement Card…$5.00 each
Non-RiverHills Bank ATM Withdrawal / Transfer…$3.00 each
Non-RiverHills Bank ATM Balance Inquiry…$2.50 each
Bond / Coupon Collection
Per coupon / bond collection envelope…$10.00 each
Bond / Coupon Returned
Per coupon / bond collection envelope…$30.00 each
Charge Backs…$7.00 each
Check Ordering Charge…Varies by style
Christmas Club Early Withdrawal Fee…$20.00
Collection Item Fee…$5.00 per item
Coupon Book Replacement…$4.00 each
Facsimile Charges
Outgoing…$3.00, plus telephone charges
Incoming…$0.50 / page
Garnishments / Tax Levies…$50.00 each
Night Depository
Lock Bag…$25.00 / bag
Zipper Bag…$5.00 / bag
Notary Fee… $5.00 / signature |
NSF / Overdrafts…$34.00 each
An OD/NSF fee may be imposed for overdrafts created by writing checks, in-person withdrawals, ATM withdrawals, debit card transactions, or by other electronic means, as applicable.
Consumer only: The maximum number of NSF/Overdrafts you may be charged in a day for overdrawing each account is 4, or $136.00.
Official Checks…$6.00 each
Online Banking Bill Pay
Business…$9.95/month plus 43¢ per payment/month after 25 payments.
Photocopies…$1.00 each copy
Snapshot Statements…$2.00 each
Reproduction of Statements…$3.00 each
Copies of Checks & Deposits…$3.00 each
Stop Payments
Regular Stop Payments…$34.00 each
ACH Stop Payments…$34.00 each
Sweep Account Transfers…$2.00 each
Telephone Transfers…$2.00 each
Wire Transfers
Domestic Incoming…$15.00 each
Domestic Outgoing…$18.00 each
Foreign Incoming…$50.00 each
Foreign Outgoing…$50.00 each
Returned Wire Fee…$30.00 each |
Additional Fees may be charged for other services.